*Chapter One*

Hi...my name is Jazz Reso, and I'm 5' 7", 122 pounds, and I have light brown hair. My eyes are a pretty blue, I love hip hop, and I'm 20 years old. I wouldn't exactly call myself gorgeous or even pretty, I dunno what I'd call myself to be honest. I like to have a lot of fun, especially with my brother's pesky friends backstage. A normal young woman, is what I call myself...but I guess the thing that attracts most to me is my personality.

I know my name seems a bit weird, but I was named from my mom's favorite music back in the early 70's, you guessed it--it was jazz, big band/swing. She was an avid fan of the music, so that's what she decided to name her only daughter.

I have an older brother by the name of Jason...he's a wrestler by the name of Christian in the WWF, he's talented at his occupation, I admit, (even though he wouldn't let me forget I said that). I do tell him everything though, and he tells me everything as well, I love my brother to death. Even through all of his over-protectiveness, I still appreciate everything he does for me, he's a good brother. Ha! Good brother my ass! Did I mention he still kicks my ass??

Oops, forgot to mention that I turn 21 in just a few days, so that means I can now go to Las Vegas and gamble, drink, and maybe even date a guy without Jay kicking his ass!

Our "brother" Adam Copeland, who I just happen to have a little crush on, hehe, have been training me for wrestling ever since I was 16 years old--in 11th grade. I've known Adam ever since I was in kindergarden, even though he was my older brother's best friend, we hung out quite often. I realized how cute he was when I was in 6th grade and he was a freshman in high school, hehe...we shared our first kiss when I was 8 and he was 11. Of course I still have feelings for him, we flirt all the time when I travel with Jay sometimes. I put wrestling behind me a bit to continue on with school...graduating from the University of North Carolina pretty soon! Isn't that cool? *laughs*...Alright, so it's not, but you get the point.

I guess things will be changing pretty soon for my career, I may go into the WWF or I might just go into business and finance--my major. Things really started changing a year ago...that's when I met Jeff Hardy...the man I admit I love more than I should. I was so lovestruck over him when I left, so I just decided to stay away from the backstage area for a while, just to not see his face. It was easier to focus on schoolwork and graduating than to obsess with some guy, I guess.

I moved from Ontario to his home state, just to be closer to school...I never spent nights in my dorm room, I was always with him late at night, having fun and hanging out with him and his friends. I love him, I admit...maybe that is my fault, I guess. We were beginning to get closer in our friendship during the fall, starting to spend more time by ourselves than with friends, we even fell in love.

Even though we never really solidified our status as boyfriend/girlfriend, we secretly knew that we had something special, and I totally regret not telling him how much I love him, it only caused problems in the end.

I guess the fight began that night after we just finished coming back from a club, and he was walking me back to the dorms...I told him I needed some space for a little while to focus on school, and we broke apart from there.

"Jeff...I'm sorry...I just--", I sigh and explain before he interrupts me, "No--I understand...it's fine..", he jams his hands into his jacket pockets, trying to stay warm.

I hang my head a bit, continuing to walk down the sidewalk with him, looking up at the dark clouds as it begins to drizzle, "I care for you and I love our friendship...I just think we've been spending a lot of time together and you should have some time to yourself...", I shiver as the rain droplets dribble down on me, soaking my body.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier that you needed some time to yourself??", he asks, chewing on his bottom lip nervously and giving me a sideways look.

"I didn't want to hurt your feelings...", I trail off, feeling awkward by the moment, until he stops in front on my building, taking off his jacket and wrapping it around me.

He smiles weakly, shaking his head as he speaks in almost a whisper, "You wouldn't have hurt my feelings..", he cups my face gently in his hands, "It hurts more when I can't be with you...you're my best friend, Jazzie...and I'd be lying if I said I didn't love you..", he lightly presses his forehead against mine, "..Because I do..", he softly kisses me on the lips, turning away and walking back the way we just came.

I stand there trembling from the cold downpour, tears creeping down my face as I watch his figure in the distance, occasionally slowing down to push the wet hair out of his face, before he disappears.

Jeff, I love you too, baby.., I sigh to myself as I snuggle within the comfort of his jacket, closing my eyes at the familiar scent on the collar, of shampoo and the merest touch of cologne.

I trample up the stairs to my dorm with tears still in my eyes, wishing in some way that I could run to him and plant a huge kiss on his perfect lips, whispering to him words of love, but I know I can't--it'd be too hard.

I have seen him since, we still hang out and everything, but things aren't the same as they used to be. He's changed a little since last year, he's seemingly happier, and I guess his schedule is more strenuous than it was, but I do miss him around a lot. Somehow--I managed to go on with my life. It's better not to think of things that make me sad, but of things that make me happy and un-regretful, which was anything but him.

Surprisingly, things did start improving from here...ironic enough, but onto my 21st birthday--which is only tomorrow...I'm not really thinking about much of anything right now, except that I'm getting older, yuck!


Since I have the week off to study for finals, Jase has decided to spend the entire week with me, except today--which is the day of the Smackdown tapings, and he asked me to go in with him. Whoopie, eh?? Of course I want to have an exclusive seat at ringside alongside the fans, and trying to decide what I want to do with my life in the next few months.

I really missed my best friends that work in the WWF as well...Adam's baby sister (who's my age)--Kammie, and Matt's girlfriend, Catarina. I've known both ever since kindergarden, we all grew up together and are best friends ever since I can remember. Kam, a blonde who's 5' 9", and 130-some pounds, happens to have a bit of a crush on my brother--or so I think, but she'd never admit it. She's a bit laid-back, always acting silly, and is Jay and Adam's valet. in the script. Cat, a blonde as well, is 5' 10", and about 120-some odd pounds, is of course the most bubbly person you'll ever meet, she has a fun personality that everyone seems to love. Cat happens to be Andrew Martin's manager in the Federation, trying to lead him on to gain the IC title, which seems to be working right now because Drew is the number one contendor, pretty nice, huh??

Kam lived down the street from me, and Cat lived about 15 minutes away, so we were always together. Hehe...we spent all of our time at Kam's house, me trying to sneak peeks of her older brother, who looked pretty cute, even back then! Yum, wait till you see him! *laughs*..Anyway, they trained with me, Adam, and Jay to try-out for the WWF, they all made it and I veered off to the big road of education at the age of 17, always wondering what it would've been like if I was on the road all the time in the Federation.

I miss them sooo much, man! I never have time to spend with them anymore ever since college...but I just might take Vince's offer and sign a contract...he says that I have the most potential out of anyone he's seen in a while, and I could be a star, I guess. I dunno...looking at business contracts or slamming around Amy Dumas in the ring...hmm...tough choice, right??

Jay picked me up at the dorm to take me with him to the arena, a 4 hour drive which has proven to be the funnest thing I can do with my brother, and spend some time with him.

"Is Jeffy coming, Jase?", I smile lightly as I ask, hoping I can see him, I haven't gotten to speak to him since two weeks ago...

"Yep! But why?? You're not dating him, are you??", he glances over at me and his grin fades as he gets back into the role of the protector.

I shake my head, "Nope! But I'll tell you who I am dating...Ad!", I burst out in a fit of giggles as he smiles, taking the exit for the arena.

If he only knew that I was kinda dating Jeff...I think their ladder matches would've been a lot more violent, Jase probably would've killed him, maybe mauled him to death.

"Even though Adam does love you more than life itself--he's engaged to be married, Jazz! Plus...I don't think I'd enjoy seeing my baby sister cuddled up with my best friend, I try not to vomit until after I eat..", he mockingly gags as I slap him upside the head, laughing.

"You ass! I don't care...I don't like Elana...Allana...however you pronounce her name--plus I've talked with her before and we've made it quite clear that we don't like each other...the only reason why I don't knock her out immediately is because of Adam..", I sigh as we approach the stadium, he stops the car at the back entrance, opening the door as I barely notice we're here already.

"Well...all I know is that you and Adam better not have anything going on, Jeff was enough...", he laughs and grabs his bags out the trunk, waiting for me as he laughs.

His words stun me as I snap out of it and hop out the car, "What??! You and Adam knew about Jeff??", I chase after him as he nods, opening the back entrance door for me.

"Yup! Kammie told us last month! Why do you think Adam speared Jeff off the ladder on the Raw after Unforgiven?? Payback for him hurting you...", he winks and enters the building after me as I giggle lightly, wondering why the spear looked harder than usual.

"Look, it's been almost a full year since we've split ways...but that's none of your business, that's between Jeff and I..", I look up at him and nudge him in the ribs softly as he laughs and lightly groans, putting an arm around my shoulder.

"Soooorrryy! Just trying to protect my baby sister, is that a crime??", he grins mischeviously and kisses me lightly on the forehead as I nod, cracking a tiny smile.

"Actually Jase...the way you try to protect me...it is!", I laugh and shake my head, wrapping my arm around his waist as I see a familiar figure standing down the hall.

"Get your hands off my girl, Canadian!", the male voice laughs as I instantly grin and let go of Jay, as Adam runs up to me and gives me a huge hug, picking me up to my toes and spinning me around as my brother raises an eyebrow in wonder.

"Guys...I'm going to the locker room...I'll see you two later then??", he states as he backs away from us, keeping a watch on me. We pay no attention to him as usual, catching up on current events and just plain happy to see each other.

"Fine...I see no one cares anyway..", he grumbles lightly as he slams the door, preparing to get ready for the show in a few hours.

"What's his problem??", Adam laughs, setting me on my feet once again as he takes my hand in his, heading down the hallway. I shrug and wrap an arm around his waist, "I dunno..I guess he has a bit of PMS today..", I laugh as he shakes his head and chuckles along.

"So how's my little graduate doing??", he smiles and grins over at me as I give a light smile and shrug, "I'm doing pretty good...but--what'd you get me for my birthday???", I ask with a hint of ethusiasm, as he laughs.

"I'm not telling you, and you can wait--your birthday is tomorrow, remember?", he reminds me with a soft whisper as I nod, "The big 21...which means you're legal now! Woohoo!", he grins and does his best Jerry Lawler impression as I blush and giggle, nudging him playfully.

"Hey Mister! You're engaged!", I exclaim with a laugh as he looks down at me, knowing how hard it is for me to accept the fact that he proposed to her--since we made a pact when we were younger that we'd get married someday. I turn away, feeling suddenly chilly as he starts grinning.

"I am...that's true, but I can love two women at the same time, can't I?? You can be my mistress!", he laughs as I shake my head, raising an eyebrow.

"You wish, Ad...and either way--I don't think that you can satisfy my needs...hehe..", I joke and lean against him as he raises both eyebrows, flicking his cute little tongue out at me.

"What if I said that I'm secretly in love with you and I'm only with Elana because I can't be with you??", he grins and gets down on one knee, taking my hand gently.

I laugh hysterically, kinda wishing he was telling the truth, "Then I'd say you're a huge liar! But on the upside--I love you too...even though you are engaged to my enemy..", I bend over and give him a light kiss on the cheek and a hug.

"Awww! You make my heart flutter, J!", he mockingly presses his hands against his heart as he chuckles lightly.

"Good...because I gotta get going now..I have people to see!", I grin and tease him, taking off running down the hall as he gets up and chases after me.

I quickly run into an unknown locker room, giggling and locking the door behind me, as I hear two voices talking, and I turn around to face the one person I've never been totally honest with, and his brother.

"Hey Jazzie, your brother told me you'd be coming today..", Jeff stands there in only a pair of their patented pants as he walks a little closer, smiling and holding out his arms as something in his eyes tells me that he's still a little hurt.

"Jeffy!!", I grin lightly as I run and hop into his arms--not believing the luck I have to step into their locker room, as if there's no others! I knew something was gonna happen! I walk into Matt and Jeff's locker room by accident--I just hope nothing goes wrong for the rest of the day. *Scoffs*...With my luck--anything and everything will happen!

*Chapter One* continued at ~ Chapter 2